John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-11 Page 1
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Burlington, IA May 11, 1942 My Dearest Rec'd two good letters from you this morning with orders to get the car tuned up and come cheap so I took it down to Schawenberg's tire place & had them take the tires off & examine them and turn them around, which ever way he thought best. He said the two old ones looked pretty fair yet. But of course you & I know they have traveled a good many miles. That is why I have been so afraid [illegible] start with them. If you were positive of a furlough, I would just leave the children here and come back there the last two weeks you are there, and come home with you? (on the train [illegible]) I went to the depot & asked about the train fare, and it figured $56.44 round trip for one fare and $12.13 for a double bed room accomodations from Chicago to Harrisburg. In other words the round trip fare plus [illegible] both ways figures $137.14 including tax. Could leave here at 5:02pm or in Chi at 815pm Leave Chg at 10:15pm ar in Harrisburg 142pm. Makes good time but the price is terrible & that wouldn't be counting anything for meals or our living out there then I went to a bad station. The fare is $24.15 plus 71 cents tax round trip or twice that for children Could leave here at 925am ar in Chg 445pm Leave chg at 7:15pm ar in Pittsburg 12:10pm leave Pittsburg at 1:10pm & ar in Harrisburg 6:10pm lv Harrisburg at 7:10pm and ar in Carlisle 747 It would be much cheaper, but would be a very hard trip & don't think the kids could stand it & I couldn't either, Honey, I can't take as much as I used to I went to the bank today & pd. the Int. on the $1000.00 note & our sending the renewal on
Burlington, IA May 11, 1942 My Dearest Rec'd two good letters from you this morning with orders to get the car tuned up and come cheap so I took it down to Schawenberg's tire place & had them take the tires off & examine them and turn them around, which ever way he thought best. He said the two old ones looked pretty fair yet. But of course you & I know they have traveled a good many miles. That is why I have been so afraid [illegible] start with them. If you were positive of a furlough, I would just leave the children here and come back there the last two weeks you are there, and come home with you? (on the train [illegible]) I went to the depot & asked about the train fare, and it figured $56.44 round trip for one fare and $12.13 for a double bed room accomodations from Chicago to Harrisburg. In other words the round trip fare plus [illegible] both ways figures $137.14 including tax. Could leave here at 5:02pm or in Chi at 815pm Leave Chg at 10:15pm ar in Harrisburg 142pm. Makes good time but the price is terrible & that wouldn't be counting anything for meals or our living out there then I went to a bad station. The fare is $24.15 plus 71 cents tax round trip or twice that for children Could leave here at 925am ar in Chg 445pm Leave chg at 7:15pm ar in Pittsburg 12:10pm leave Pittsburg at 1:10pm & ar in Harrisburg 6:10pm lv Harrisburg at 7:10pm and ar in Carlisle 747 It would be much cheaper, but would be a very hard trip & don't think the kids could stand it & I couldn't either, Honey, I can't take as much as I used to I went to the bank today & pd. the Int. on the $1000.00 note & our sending the renewal on
World War II Diaries and Letters