John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-11 Page 2
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to you to sign & return. It was supposed to be due to tomorrow. The other one will be due the 16th 57.67 Int. & $25.00 on principal. I have exactly 15.00 left, but haven't rec'd my check yet. I pd. a 6.00 telephone bill today also. I also pd. Ruth $25.00 & have Buettner's $15.00 by the 15th. I will make it somehow but you can see I don't have much to start out on. I seem to be so upset about everything all the time. Between two tires & don't know which way to jump I guess. Verla Rambo said to let her know if I was driving back & she knew some of her family would want to go along & share expenses. But if you are coming home with me I wouldn't want anyone else along. Do you think so? Where should I take the car to have the battery, engine, spark plugs ect. checked? Also the tools? Write & tell me right away. School isn't out until June 4 which is on Thurs, should I start that week end? Of course if you wanted me to come before that, three or four days wouldn't matter I don't think. Where would I bet the gasoline rationing? Can you find out? I called [name?] this morning & have him see Cocherel about one more tire for me and he wasn't in. But Schawenberg said he didn't think there would be a chance of it. You write v tell me what you think I should do. [illegible] will you? IT has been raining all evening. You should see the grass. It is coming up just swell. I believe we are going to get a good stand. I hope so. I put the add in the paper for the back room, but so far, haven't even had a call. I suppose it is going to be hard to rent again. Business was rather slow today, but had to stay & do a permanent after school tonite & so didn't get home until after 8:30. I [illegible] getting powerful sleepy now too, so will close goodnight. Loads of love & kisses until I see you again. I can hardly wait honey. Dorothea [illegible].
to you to sign & return. It was supposed to be due to tomorrow. The other one will be due the 16th 57.67 Int. & $25.00 on principal. I have exactly 15.00 left, but haven't rec'd my check yet. I pd. a 6.00 telephone bill today also. I also pd. Ruth $25.00 & have Buettner's $15.00 by the 15th. I will make it somehow but you can see I don't have much to start out on. I seem to be so upset about everything all the time. Between two tires & don't know which way to jump I guess. Verla Rambo said to let her know if I was driving back & she knew some of her family would want to go along & share expenses. But if you are coming home with me I wouldn't want anyone else along. Do you think so? Where should I take the car to have the battery, engine, spark plugs ect. checked? Also the tools? Write & tell me right away. School isn't out until June 4 which is on Thurs, should I start that week end? Of course if you wanted me to come before that, three or four days wouldn't matter I don't think. Where would I bet the gasoline rationing? Can you find out? I called [name?] this morning & have him see Cocherel about one more tire for me and he wasn't in. But Schawenberg said he didn't think there would be a chance of it. You write v tell me what you think I should do. [illegible] will you? IT has been raining all evening. You should see the grass. It is coming up just swell. I believe we are going to get a good stand. I hope so. I put the add in the paper for the back room, but so far, haven't even had a call. I suppose it is going to be hard to rent again. Business was rather slow today, but had to stay & do a permanent after school tonite & so didn't get home until after 8:30. I [illegible] getting powerful sleepy now too, so will close goodnight. Loads of love & kisses until I see you again. I can hardly wait honey. Dorothea [illegible].
World War II Diaries and Letters