John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-10 Page 2
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They think, with that many miles on the car & two old tires and gas being rationed, it would be taking a big risk. I am going down to the depot tomorrow and get the low down on the railroad fare & accomodations. I will also go to the bus depot & find out about them too. I forgot to enclose blank checks for you like I said last nite so will do so in this one. Honey, I don't believe you had better write more than those two checks for there is only 23.45 in the bank & won't have any to put in for a while. I have exactly 129.00 including my salary for this week, and I will owe $15.00 to Buettner on the 15th 25.00 to Ruth on the 11th $25.00 int. on $1000.00 note, the 12th $56.67 int. on a note & $25.00 payment on principal totaling $146.67. So with the rent money, I will just about break even by the last of the week. So you see I will have to make enough money in the next two weeks or 3 weeks which even it is to bring us out there and then, you will have to take care of us from there. Do you think we can do it? If it wasn't for this thing called money. John R. hurt himself pretty badly last nite. He took a tumble off his tricycle and skinned his forehead all up and his hand was hurt too, but he is getting along all O.K. The kiddies gave me a box of stationary for Mother's Day. Ruth gave John R. a dime for sweeping off the porch & walks & each one of the kids a nickel for helping & then she added six cents to it & the three little fellows went to the drug store and bought me a 25 cent box of stationary. John R. says if we had have had 50 cents we could have bought you a swell gift. Cliffie had also made me a pretty little picture at school. I hear Glen Bennett is home for a few days. His wife is going to Leavenworth to live with him I guess. Pretty nice for her. Well darling I must get to bed & try to get some sleep as I am pretty tired tonite. Will write again tomorrow when I know more. Goodnight Dearie affectionately your own wife& kiddies
They think, with that many miles on the car & two old tires and gas being rationed, it would be taking a big risk. I am going down to the depot tomorrow and get the low down on the railroad fare & accomodations. I will also go to the bus depot & find out about them too. I forgot to enclose blank checks for you like I said last nite so will do so in this one. Honey, I don't believe you had better write more than those two checks for there is only 23.45 in the bank & won't have any to put in for a while. I have exactly 129.00 including my salary for this week, and I will owe $15.00 to Buettner on the 15th 25.00 to Ruth on the 11th $25.00 int. on $1000.00 note, the 12th $56.67 int. on a note & $25.00 payment on principal totaling $146.67. So with the rent money, I will just about break even by the last of the week. So you see I will have to make enough money in the next two weeks or 3 weeks which even it is to bring us out there and then, you will have to take care of us from there. Do you think we can do it? If it wasn't for this thing called money. John R. hurt himself pretty badly last nite. He took a tumble off his tricycle and skinned his forehead all up and his hand was hurt too, but he is getting along all O.K. The kiddies gave me a box of stationary for Mother's Day. Ruth gave John R. a dime for sweeping off the porch & walks & each one of the kids a nickel for helping & then she added six cents to it & the three little fellows went to the drug store and bought me a 25 cent box of stationary. John R. says if we had have had 50 cents we could have bought you a swell gift. Cliffie had also made me a pretty little picture at school. I hear Glen Bennett is home for a few days. His wife is going to Leavenworth to live with him I guess. Pretty nice for her. Well darling I must get to bed & try to get some sleep as I am pretty tired tonite. Will write again tomorrow when I know more. Goodnight Dearie affectionately your own wife& kiddies
World War II Diaries and Letters