John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-06 Page 1
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Burlington, (illegible) May 6, 1942 Wed nite 11 PM. My Dearest: - No letter from you again today. I havn't heard since Monday morning. I am worried about it. Am wondering if you are sick. I surely hope not. This was my afternoon off so Clifford, Carol and I went down town & did a few errands. We spent quite a while in the library and the kids enjoyed looking at the pictures through the lenses, also looked at books I bought your mother a pair of silk hose and a pretty Mothers day card & am meeting them tomorrow. I put from you & I & the kiddies. So that is all taken care of. I gave Marie a perma this morning and it took a very beautiful wave. She has real nice hair. She tells me Mac has rented two lots out by Kinyons and is putting in Corn & potatoes and going into gardening in a big way. He is supposed to be through with this job here by [Jully?] & Marie is afraid she will be left with the garden to take care of. It is so cold here today & the [illegible] has just been blowing a gale. The paper said frost tonight. Hope they miss it, but am afraid it will. It is surely hard on the coal bin believe me. Lucretia Edwards is in the hospital with a very bad cough. She has been sick since last Dec. with the shingles and has been
Burlington, (illegible) May 6, 1942 Wed nite 11 PM. My Dearest: - No letter from you again today. I havn't heard since Monday morning. I am worried about it. Am wondering if you are sick. I surely hope not. This was my afternoon off so Clifford, Carol and I went down town & did a few errands. We spent quite a while in the library and the kids enjoyed looking at the pictures through the lenses, also looked at books I bought your mother a pair of silk hose and a pretty Mothers day card & am meeting them tomorrow. I put from you & I & the kiddies. So that is all taken care of. I gave Marie a perma this morning and it took a very beautiful wave. She has real nice hair. She tells me Mac has rented two lots out by Kinyons and is putting in Corn & potatoes and going into gardening in a big way. He is supposed to be through with this job here by [Jully?] & Marie is afraid she will be left with the garden to take care of. It is so cold here today & the [illegible] has just been blowing a gale. The paper said frost tonight. Hope they miss it, but am afraid it will. It is surely hard on the coal bin believe me. Lucretia Edwards is in the hospital with a very bad cough. She has been sick since last Dec. with the shingles and has been
World War II Diaries and Letters