John N. Calhoun family letters, May 1942 - February 1943
1942-05-06 Page 2
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very miserable and then contracted this cold and couldn't through it off. They say she looked perfectly terrible & just skin & bones. I sent her a bouquet of sweet peas this afternoon and tonight Nancy called me [illegible] thank me. She said Lucretia was so glad to get them & that she is slowly improving. I think Carol & I are going to the Mother & daughter banquet Friday nite. I asked her if she wanted to go & she puffed right up & thought that would be pretty nice. The boys didn't think so much of it. She has really grown up. John R & Clifford neither one had to go to school this afternoon on account of the sugar rationing. I guess they needed the teachers to help on it. Did you get your book? I asked about getting one for you here but they said you would probably get them there. Too bad about [illegible] wasn't it? Just think of them getting 7000 prisoner's. That would just worry a person to death wouldn't it? For I'll bet they treat them plenty mean. Gladys didn't come over today so I didn't get my hair fixed with a permanent, but Nettie washed & set it and will have the perma. next week I hope. Kids are all o.k & counting big on seeing their daddy real soon. They will surely be disappointed if we don't get to come. I still think if you could get us in for a couple weeks room & board on a [illegible] just real close. I think that would be a grand vacation. Honey I just can't keep my eyes open so will close Goodnight Love & kisses Dorethea & kiddies
very miserable and then contracted this cold and couldn't through it off. They say she looked perfectly terrible & just skin & bones. I sent her a bouquet of sweet peas this afternoon and tonight Nancy called me [illegible] thank me. She said Lucretia was so glad to get them & that she is slowly improving. I think Carol & I are going to the Mother & daughter banquet Friday nite. I asked her if she wanted to go & she puffed right up & thought that would be pretty nice. The boys didn't think so much of it. She has really grown up. John R & Clifford neither one had to go to school this afternoon on account of the sugar rationing. I guess they needed the teachers to help on it. Did you get your book? I asked about getting one for you here but they said you would probably get them there. Too bad about [illegible] wasn't it? Just think of them getting 7000 prisoner's. That would just worry a person to death wouldn't it? For I'll bet they treat them plenty mean. Gladys didn't come over today so I didn't get my hair fixed with a permanent, but Nettie washed & set it and will have the perma. next week I hope. Kids are all o.k & counting big on seeing their daddy real soon. They will surely be disappointed if we don't get to come. I still think if you could get us in for a couple weeks room & board on a [illegible] just real close. I think that would be a grand vacation. Honey I just can't keep my eyes open so will close Goodnight Love & kisses Dorethea & kiddies
World War II Diaries and Letters