John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-02-22 Page 1
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Mallory Schiltz Sunday Morn. Dear Mother and Dad, Well I'm still sitting around doing nothing and waiting. The other fellows all have their uniforms and are figuring on being sent out in the next day or so, they are surely a nice bunch I'd like to stay with them. The food here is good and the beds are comfortable. I'm sleeping on the upper bunk but haven't fallen out as yet. I expect my clothes will get pretty dirty but it may not be so long. The zipper on my new bag has gone to pot all ready. I really appreciate my watch as there are no clocks around to glance at just anytime. King and Adeline are coming out to see me this afternoon as I can't leave the post here. I went to a show Friday nite and last nite. The "Camel Calvacade" which broadcasts over the radio was here.(free) I enjoyed it very much tap dancing, orchestra, and a trick drummer. Some of the fellows I came with will stay here at the induction center as clerks and interviewers. I would rather be sent to a camp I think. I met some fellows from Texas who were sent up here
Mallory Schiltz Sunday Morn. Dear Mother and Dad, Well I'm still sitting around doing nothing and waiting. The other fellows all have their uniforms and are figuring on being sent out in the next day or so, they are surely a nice bunch I'd like to stay with them. The food here is good and the beds are comfortable. I'm sleeping on the upper bunk but haven't fallen out as yet. I expect my clothes will get pretty dirty but it may not be so long. The zipper on my new bag has gone to pot all ready. I really appreciate my watch as there are no clocks around to glance at just anytime. King and Adeline are coming out to see me this afternoon as I can't leave the post here. I went to a show Friday nite and last nite. The "Camel Calvacade" which broadcasts over the radio was here.(free) I enjoyed it very much tap dancing, orchestra, and a trick drummer. Some of the fellows I came with will stay here at the induction center as clerks and interviewers. I would rather be sent to a camp I think. I met some fellows from Texas who were sent up here
World War II Diaries and Letters