John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-02-28 Page 2
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I have almost entirely lost everyone I knew but am making lots of new friends. Leo Sinnatt who is Leo Fallens nephew is with me here. Is this the field where Russell is? It seemed to me it was but there are over 44,000 stationed here to I probablly wont see him. If you know his address write it. The weather is quite mild here. Not bad but several degrees warmer than when I left Iowa. No snow and the ground isn't frozen. I expect its around 50° here. I've had my first marching drill. I rather like it, march to + from meals etc. I dont have all my equipment yet no uniform coat or blouse as they call them. They are making me one. I got a mackinaw instead of an overcoat. I like it better. My pants fit fine had to be altered tho. My shoes feel good on my feet. They really try to fit you all right + give you the best equipment that can be bought. This is certainly a big camp I can't describe it but you can figure out
I have almost entirely lost everyone I knew but am making lots of new friends. Leo Sinnatt who is Leo Fallens nephew is with me here. Is this the field where Russell is? It seemed to me it was but there are over 44,000 stationed here to I probablly wont see him. If you know his address write it. The weather is quite mild here. Not bad but several degrees warmer than when I left Iowa. No snow and the ground isn't frozen. I expect its around 50° here. I've had my first marching drill. I rather like it, march to + from meals etc. I dont have all my equipment yet no uniform coat or blouse as they call them. They are making me one. I got a mackinaw instead of an overcoat. I like it better. My pants fit fine had to be altered tho. My shoes feel good on my feet. They really try to fit you all right + give you the best equipment that can be bought. This is certainly a big camp I can't describe it but you can figure out
World War II Diaries and Letters