John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-03-16 Page 1
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March 16th Dear Dad and Mother: Well I guess I'm stuck in Texas for at least four months unless I flunk out in school, which is very possible. Have not started to classes yet guess it will be the 2 3 we start. Was on K.P. yesterday probably will be on quite regularly until I start to classes. Then we are only eligible for it one day per month. Sent out some dry cleaning this morning the first I've sent. Have been doing my own towels underwear socks etc. so laundry hasnt cost me much. Our clothes are hung out here so they stay much nicer than when they are packed in barracks bags.They shipped out a big bunch of fellows this morning. They were under sealed orders and didn't know where they were going but it wasn't for general duty so I must be lucky for the chance to go to school. I think I will go down to the Service Club this evening they always have some kind of entertainment and its usually pretty good. We have a piano player here in camp from Paul Whiteman's orchestra. Also we have a couple of professional entertainers.
March 16th Dear Dad and Mother: Well I guess I'm stuck in Texas for at least four months unless I flunk out in school, which is very possible. Have not started to classes yet guess it will be the 2 3 we start. Was on K.P. yesterday probably will be on quite regularly until I start to classes. Then we are only eligible for it one day per month. Sent out some dry cleaning this morning the first I've sent. Have been doing my own towels underwear socks etc. so laundry hasnt cost me much. Our clothes are hung out here so they stay much nicer than when they are packed in barracks bags.They shipped out a big bunch of fellows this morning. They were under sealed orders and didn't know where they were going but it wasn't for general duty so I must be lucky for the chance to go to school. I think I will go down to the Service Club this evening they always have some kind of entertainment and its usually pretty good. We have a piano player here in camp from Paul Whiteman's orchestra. Also we have a couple of professional entertainers.
World War II Diaries and Letters