John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-03-29 Page 1
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Sunday Aft Dear Mother and Dad: I got your nice box yesterday and Argo today. Those honey cookies were swell I liked the cut ones with coconut in especially. I made these last a little better I don't know so many fellows in the barracks. 604 I still get mail to 607. maybe my card with change of address on was lost. You just don't know how good food from home tastes. I went to town to church this morning A beautiful church and fine service. They seemed very glad to have soldiers there and everyone was nice. Methodist church, I must write & tell grandmother I went it may give her a little piece of mind. Last Sun. 40 states were represented on their register The first phase of school is almost over. it's been kind of tough & the rest of it will be tougher I don't know how I'm coming out but I believe I'll get there. The instructor says we'll just get a hazy idea of what we must know in the course. We will then be sent out to some big airplane factory as inspector or perhaps to some big commercial airline for practical experience.
Sunday Aft Dear Mother and Dad: I got your nice box yesterday and Argo today. Those honey cookies were swell I liked the cut ones with coconut in especially. I made these last a little better I don't know so many fellows in the barracks. 604 I still get mail to 607. maybe my card with change of address on was lost. You just don't know how good food from home tastes. I went to town to church this morning A beautiful church and fine service. They seemed very glad to have soldiers there and everyone was nice. Methodist church, I must write & tell grandmother I went it may give her a little piece of mind. Last Sun. 40 states were represented on their register The first phase of school is almost over. it's been kind of tough & the rest of it will be tougher I don't know how I'm coming out but I believe I'll get there. The instructor says we'll just get a hazy idea of what we must know in the course. We will then be sent out to some big airplane factory as inspector or perhaps to some big commercial airline for practical experience.
World War II Diaries and Letters