John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-04-08 Page 2
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little fun. Got a long letter from Dane Lynch day before yesterday I don't think he likes the army as much as he used to. He sounded kind of homesick. I guess everyone feels a little that way but we've a job to do so can kid ourselves along. Is Dick Westerfield sending me the Union? I keep getting it as well as the Argo from you. If he is I must write him a letter & do you have a picture to give him. I read them thru & thru even the want ads. We get free mail now so I'll send home some stamps Dad sent me. You can send them all back one at a time. Got a letter from Bob the other day, he had to get examined right away I guess. We had open house the other day (Army day) and the place was overrun with civilians Didn't get much out of school that day we go to classes in one of the hangers this phase. There are fine big double hangers. Have a box of Whitmans chocolates Jimmie sent me for Easter. Love Johnny
little fun. Got a long letter from Dane Lynch day before yesterday I don't think he likes the army as much as he used to. He sounded kind of homesick. I guess everyone feels a little that way but we've a job to do so can kid ourselves along. Is Dick Westerfield sending me the Union? I keep getting it as well as the Argo from you. If he is I must write him a letter & do you have a picture to give him. I read them thru & thru even the want ads. We get free mail now so I'll send home some stamps Dad sent me. You can send them all back one at a time. Got a letter from Bob the other day, he had to get examined right away I guess. We had open house the other day (Army day) and the place was overrun with civilians Didn't get much out of school that day we go to classes in one of the hangers this phase. There are fine big double hangers. Have a box of Whitmans chocolates Jimmie sent me for Easter. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters