John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-04-15 Page 1
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April 15, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: Boy am I tickled I just passed another phase of school. Got the highest test grade and tied for high class average. Got a 96 or 97 on my first test and had a 90 on proficiency rating. They will give higher grades in the branch. I got 92 for average so I'm really happy about it. Start Hydraulic systems tomorrow that isnt supposed to be any harder than the first two. Our instructor said ours was the best class he'd ever had as far as grades were concerned. They are talking of shortening the phases from ten days to five days I hope they dont maybe it's just a rumor, we hear lots of wild rumors nothing ever comes of. It has rained again here but nothing grows around camp here you'd think they would seed it down and get something growing, anything looks better than bare red earth. Down town I saw a lot of blue bonnets and Buffalo clover growing wild (B. clover is that little purplish red bloom we saw so much of when we came up out of the valley. Today we are G.I ing the barracks G.I stands for government issue and everything is called that G.I shoes, G.I clothes, GI soap, G.I brushes
April 15, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: Boy am I tickled I just passed another phase of school. Got the highest test grade and tied for high class average. Got a 96 or 97 on my first test and had a 90 on proficiency rating. They will give higher grades in the branch. I got 92 for average so I'm really happy about it. Start Hydraulic systems tomorrow that isnt supposed to be any harder than the first two. Our instructor said ours was the best class he'd ever had as far as grades were concerned. They are talking of shortening the phases from ten days to five days I hope they dont maybe it's just a rumor, we hear lots of wild rumors nothing ever comes of. It has rained again here but nothing grows around camp here you'd think they would seed it down and get something growing, anything looks better than bare red earth. Down town I saw a lot of blue bonnets and Buffalo clover growing wild (B. clover is that little purplish red bloom we saw so much of when we came up out of the valley. Today we are G.I ing the barracks G.I stands for government issue and everything is called that G.I shoes, G.I clothes, GI soap, G.I brushes
World War II Diaries and Letters