John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-04-17 Page 1
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Fri. Eve. Dear Folks: Don't be surprised if you dont hear from me so often for a while. I tho't I was busy before but now theyve cut the time of our course in half. We have two full days work in one and it's almost more than a fellow has time for. I am in hydraulic systems this phase it would be hard to get in ten days & I don't know whether I'll get it or not. My good grades will go I'm sure. Tomorrow I get a tetanus shot unless they have lost some of records this should be the last for a while I surely hope so. It will take a couple of hours in the morning so that takes out of our study time. I am going to get a flight jacket & another pair of wool pants now that hot weather is here. The coveralls we wear to school are sure hot I hate em boy Ill never wear coveralls if I dont have too. I got a letter from a fellow who was shipped our of my old barracks and he's in Tampa Fla. boy I wish I was down there. He says things are swell but that's an old army game to make another place seem better.
Fri. Eve. Dear Folks: Don't be surprised if you dont hear from me so often for a while. I tho't I was busy before but now theyve cut the time of our course in half. We have two full days work in one and it's almost more than a fellow has time for. I am in hydraulic systems this phase it would be hard to get in ten days & I don't know whether I'll get it or not. My good grades will go I'm sure. Tomorrow I get a tetanus shot unless they have lost some of records this should be the last for a while I surely hope so. It will take a couple of hours in the morning so that takes out of our study time. I am going to get a flight jacket & another pair of wool pants now that hot weather is here. The coveralls we wear to school are sure hot I hate em boy Ill never wear coveralls if I dont have too. I got a letter from a fellow who was shipped our of my old barracks and he's in Tampa Fla. boy I wish I was down there. He says things are swell but that's an old army game to make another place seem better.
World War II Diaries and Letters