John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-04-19 Page 1
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April 19 & 20, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: It's raining here again tonight I'm always thankful for the moisture to settle the dust. Haven't done much interesting today, got up early and put out a big washing (sounds funny doesn't it) 2 pair of coveralls, 2 suits underwear, 4 prs sox 2 towels, 2 wash clothes 4 handkerchiefs. I soaked my coveralls all night and the dirt came out quite easily. Hung one pair outdoors from the upstairs window & along this aft. a fellow 4 barracks away brought them back they'd blown that far. If seen floating thru the air they might have been shot down for an enemy balloon. This phase of school is really tough in only five days, it is very technical and hard for a slow poke like me to absorb in such a short time. My grades have slipped I am afraid. Rumor has it the reason the phases have been shortened is that 2 classes were taken out of school by mistake to get their practical training in aircraft factories too soon. We have to fill up the vacancy made by their leaving picking up 20 days in four phases and then they will be lengthened again. We cant go into town at all in the day times now and we have so much studying to do cant spend a full day Sunday in town. I went in to church, dinner and an early show yesterday however Didn't make any difference to me about day times because I never went in anyway. There just doesn't seem anything to write about. we do the same thing everyday. Got the Union this morning and
April 19 & 20, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: It's raining here again tonight I'm always thankful for the moisture to settle the dust. Haven't done much interesting today, got up early and put out a big washing (sounds funny doesn't it) 2 pair of coveralls, 2 suits underwear, 4 prs sox 2 towels, 2 wash clothes 4 handkerchiefs. I soaked my coveralls all night and the dirt came out quite easily. Hung one pair outdoors from the upstairs window & along this aft. a fellow 4 barracks away brought them back they'd blown that far. If seen floating thru the air they might have been shot down for an enemy balloon. This phase of school is really tough in only five days, it is very technical and hard for a slow poke like me to absorb in such a short time. My grades have slipped I am afraid. Rumor has it the reason the phases have been shortened is that 2 classes were taken out of school by mistake to get their practical training in aircraft factories too soon. We have to fill up the vacancy made by their leaving picking up 20 days in four phases and then they will be lengthened again. We cant go into town at all in the day times now and we have so much studying to do cant spend a full day Sunday in town. I went in to church, dinner and an early show yesterday however Didn't make any difference to me about day times because I never went in anyway. There just doesn't seem anything to write about. we do the same thing everyday. Got the Union this morning and
World War II Diaries and Letters