John William Graham letters, February-April 1942
1942-04-19 Page 2
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was quite shocked to read about Mr. Grimes. Boy how I do read that paper from cover to cover. There was a woman from Sioux City taken into the church yesterday. I guess she is a nurse out here to at the hospital. Chaplain Lonelady from camp was in the pulpit he gave a very good sermon but not as good as the regular minister. Our barracks are not so crowded now they are kind of getting them distributed around now and getting down to normal capacity for all barracks. Our barracks chief has recently been made corporal and he's pretty cocky. A Tennessee hill billy comes from near Chatanooga back in the hills. I saw "Babes on Broadway" yesterday and rather liked it I mostly dont care for Micky Rooney but it was pretty good. Well I guess I must quit. Im feeling fine and enjoying myself, if a fellow tries he can be happy and satisfied wherever he is. This country is getting a little greener after all these rains but you have to get out of camp to see it. Love Johnny
was quite shocked to read about Mr. Grimes. Boy how I do read that paper from cover to cover. There was a woman from Sioux City taken into the church yesterday. I guess she is a nurse out here to at the hospital. Chaplain Lonelady from camp was in the pulpit he gave a very good sermon but not as good as the regular minister. Our barracks are not so crowded now they are kind of getting them distributed around now and getting down to normal capacity for all barracks. Our barracks chief has recently been made corporal and he's pretty cocky. A Tennessee hill billy comes from near Chatanooga back in the hills. I saw "Babes on Broadway" yesterday and rather liked it I mostly dont care for Micky Rooney but it was pretty good. Well I guess I must quit. Im feeling fine and enjoying myself, if a fellow tries he can be happy and satisfied wherever he is. This country is getting a little greener after all these rains but you have to get out of camp to see it. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters