John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-08-02 Page 1
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Aug. 2, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad & Mom, Well I'm back to school again go from 7:30 in the morning until about 11:30 then in the afternoon we work on the line on planes, we have afew in now. Yesterday I didn't get off till ten P.M or 22:00 oclock. Our school work is more or less general, today we had map reading for two hours, had a couple films showing how maps are made & how to figure out distances & elevation etc. Very interesting. Then we had review on the 13. 24's the ships we should have. It has been very hot here today, the hottest since I've been here but its not so tough. It will cool off this evening I am sure. We have several of [illegible] [boys?] in the hospital for minor things yellow gaundice etc. The gaundice is supposedly caused by the yellow fever shots we all got several months ago, something in the serum it hasn't bothered me at all but some were quite ill. Had a letter from Fred Breckner and one from the Hays. They sent me a nice picture of the children, seems as tho everything is okay on the farm, cows & chickens doing okay. So I feel pretty good. Threshing will soon be going hot & heavy then the fair and then the fall & winter.
Aug. 2, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad & Mom, Well I'm back to school again go from 7:30 in the morning until about 11:30 then in the afternoon we work on the line on planes, we have afew in now. Yesterday I didn't get off till ten P.M or 22:00 oclock. Our school work is more or less general, today we had map reading for two hours, had a couple films showing how maps are made & how to figure out distances & elevation etc. Very interesting. Then we had review on the 13. 24's the ships we should have. It has been very hot here today, the hottest since I've been here but its not so tough. It will cool off this evening I am sure. We have several of [illegible] [boys?] in the hospital for minor things yellow gaundice etc. The gaundice is supposedly caused by the yellow fever shots we all got several months ago, something in the serum it hasn't bothered me at all but some were quite ill. Had a letter from Fred Breckner and one from the Hays. They sent me a nice picture of the children, seems as tho everything is okay on the farm, cows & chickens doing okay. So I feel pretty good. Threshing will soon be going hot & heavy then the fair and then the fall & winter.
World War II Diaries and Letters