John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-08-10 Page 1
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August 10, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: I meant to write yesterday but drew K.P. and was busy all day. For our evening meal the whole squadron hiked out a couple or three miles from camp and we fed them on the field. We stayed out till quite late sang songs and one of the fellows who is very good put on a monologue impersonating famous characters Roosevelt, Edw. G. Robinson, Gildersleeve, Chas Laughton and others. He certainly put on a good show. We get pretty well acquainted with our officers, a fine group in the main. We are having a clothing inspection this morning to see that we have all necessary uniforms etc. Hope they give me some more socks & underwear. I still lack a few things but maybe I'll get them. My shoes are worn out too hope I can get them repaired soon. Missed church yesterday due to K.P. first Sunday I've missed in a long time but just couldn't make it. One thing about K.P. you get lots to eat I ate four or five oranges yesterday boy they were good. We get fruit often almost every day for breakfast. Have had some of the best cantelope out here I've ever eaten I don't know where they come from maybe around [Salt?] Lake they do lots of truck gardening & fruit raising there. Every day trucks go to [Salt?] Lake for supplies from here I expect some are shipped in on the train, nut milk & bread etc
August 10, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: I meant to write yesterday but drew K.P. and was busy all day. For our evening meal the whole squadron hiked out a couple or three miles from camp and we fed them on the field. We stayed out till quite late sang songs and one of the fellows who is very good put on a monologue impersonating famous characters Roosevelt, Edw. G. Robinson, Gildersleeve, Chas Laughton and others. He certainly put on a good show. We get pretty well acquainted with our officers, a fine group in the main. We are having a clothing inspection this morning to see that we have all necessary uniforms etc. Hope they give me some more socks & underwear. I still lack a few things but maybe I'll get them. My shoes are worn out too hope I can get them repaired soon. Missed church yesterday due to K.P. first Sunday I've missed in a long time but just couldn't make it. One thing about K.P. you get lots to eat I ate four or five oranges yesterday boy they were good. We get fruit often almost every day for breakfast. Have had some of the best cantelope out here I've ever eaten I don't know where they come from maybe around [Salt?] Lake they do lots of truck gardening & fruit raising there. Every day trucks go to [Salt?] Lake for supplies from here I expect some are shipped in on the train, nut milk & bread etc
World War II Diaries and Letters