John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-08-24 Page 1
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August 24, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad & Mom: [Well?] [have?] the Fayette Co fair, not as big as usual I expect but I hope it is a success as usual. I am so glad you enjoyed your stay in Minneapolis and the trip was okay. I do wish we had new tires so you didn't need to give them a thought. It would make traveling more pleasant I expect. I have had two letters from you since you got back yesterday. I worked twenty four hours from 6 A M till 6 A.M. That makes a long day but I was in bed from 7 A M till 5 P.M. today didn't get up for dinner and just got up in time to shower and make supper. We are getting [in?] four new engines and one of our ships. Engines are changed every 500 flying hours regardless of their condition unless they break down before. Had six letters the last two day that was a lot for me, today I got no letters but got the papers which I haven't [illegible] as get. I have a rather unusual looking stamp I'll put in this letter it came from Mr. Dibble the other day. He asked me to
August 24, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad & Mom: [Well?] [have?] the Fayette Co fair, not as big as usual I expect but I hope it is a success as usual. I am so glad you enjoyed your stay in Minneapolis and the trip was okay. I do wish we had new tires so you didn't need to give them a thought. It would make traveling more pleasant I expect. I have had two letters from you since you got back yesterday. I worked twenty four hours from 6 A M till 6 A.M. That makes a long day but I was in bed from 7 A M till 5 P.M. today didn't get up for dinner and just got up in time to shower and make supper. We are getting [in?] four new engines and one of our ships. Engines are changed every 500 flying hours regardless of their condition unless they break down before. Had six letters the last two day that was a lot for me, today I got no letters but got the papers which I haven't [illegible] as get. I have a rather unusual looking stamp I'll put in this letter it came from Mr. Dibble the other day. He asked me to
World War II Diaries and Letters