John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-09-01 Page 2
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dog which could do any number of tricks and stand on one front paw on top of the fellows head or on one finger. Some of the follows said it was the best trained dog they had ever seen. Ill bet it was the first time they had ever played in a boxing ring and in the open air it sure means a lot to the fellows when an entertainer stops by an army camp. Im at a loss to know what to do with my new things they are so bulky and I dont even have coat hangars for them. What to do with them when we move is a mystery I had two barracks bags full before, oh well when the time comes there is always a solution for every problem. My sweater is very nice almost like my better sweaters [slip?] over). Last night we had one engine on a plane which just wouldnt. run. We tried everything on it and finally got it to run then we didnt know which remedy had fixed it, but then it runs fine now so who cares. We have had considerable trouble with generators and electrical [denises?], shorting & batteries running down. Not from leaving the radio playing either. Im out of anything to say. I cant seem to write much but Ill try and write often. Love Johnny
dog which could do any number of tricks and stand on one front paw on top of the fellows head or on one finger. Some of the follows said it was the best trained dog they had ever seen. Ill bet it was the first time they had ever played in a boxing ring and in the open air it sure means a lot to the fellows when an entertainer stops by an army camp. Im at a loss to know what to do with my new things they are so bulky and I dont even have coat hangars for them. What to do with them when we move is a mystery I had two barracks bags full before, oh well when the time comes there is always a solution for every problem. My sweater is very nice almost like my better sweaters [slip?] over). Last night we had one engine on a plane which just wouldnt. run. We tried everything on it and finally got it to run then we didnt know which remedy had fixed it, but then it runs fine now so who cares. We have had considerable trouble with generators and electrical [denises?], shorting & batteries running down. Not from leaving the radio playing either. Im out of anything to say. I cant seem to write much but Ill try and write often. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters