John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-09-04 Page 1
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Sept. 4, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad + Mom: It has been much warmer here the last couple of days + nights, maybe that early fall scare was running all over the country. At least I hope it is warmer in Iowa. We have loaned one of our planes to another squadron for a few days. This makes less work for us, we have had little maintenance work the past week mostly just servicing. One of my friends was surprised yesterday when some friends came clear from Ohio to see him. It was just luck it happened to be his day for a pass too so he had a nice visit. I am eligible for a 24 hour pass on Monday but doubt if I take it We should get paid Tuesday or Wednesday hope so anyhow. We maintenance men don't have to stand plane guard anymore they make the gunners and combat crews to that now I'm glad of that it was a very monotonous job not hard but somehow tiring. Some of my friends have been on some nice rides in planes when they go out on practice bombing missions or cross country flights. From here they hop to Idaho, Calif, Texas, distance cut much ice in one of these big planes. They certainly span a lot of country in a hurry. This time I'm putting in that stamp I spoke of and forgot. I don't think [is?] is anything but I never noticed one before. You speak of Bingos son helping put in coal do you mean Victor who has been in California
Sept. 4, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad + Mom: It has been much warmer here the last couple of days + nights, maybe that early fall scare was running all over the country. At least I hope it is warmer in Iowa. We have loaned one of our planes to another squadron for a few days. This makes less work for us, we have had little maintenance work the past week mostly just servicing. One of my friends was surprised yesterday when some friends came clear from Ohio to see him. It was just luck it happened to be his day for a pass too so he had a nice visit. I am eligible for a 24 hour pass on Monday but doubt if I take it We should get paid Tuesday or Wednesday hope so anyhow. We maintenance men don't have to stand plane guard anymore they make the gunners and combat crews to that now I'm glad of that it was a very monotonous job not hard but somehow tiring. Some of my friends have been on some nice rides in planes when they go out on practice bombing missions or cross country flights. From here they hop to Idaho, Calif, Texas, distance cut much ice in one of these big planes. They certainly span a lot of country in a hurry. This time I'm putting in that stamp I spoke of and forgot. I don't think [is?] is anything but I never noticed one before. You speak of Bingos son helping put in coal do you mean Victor who has been in California
World War II Diaries and Letters