John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-09-07 Page 2
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Bill Graham figures out suits me fine. [illegible] the lumber business not too bad I hope. Gee but the fried chicken you were going to have Sunday for the kids sounded good to me. Some things a fellow misses, fried chicken, good steaks (Rex's) your potatoe salad, lima beans in a casserole with pimentos & bacon, if and when I get home Im going to want these things. Sometimes I think about Aunt Ethyls ice cream and my mouth waters. One of my good friends left tonight on an emergency furloughes his mother is quite ill. He has a long trip ahead of him. [Illegible] Indiania clear down in the south east corner. The train connections are not good here so he started out hitch hiking and will catch a train when he can make better connections. This is a main highway thru here so hitching a ride isnt bad most everyone picks up a soldier. I saw by the paper where Harry Grimes was in Miles City, Mont. one of my friends here is from there. We are a motley crew from all over the U.S. Cowboys, coal miners, farmers, bankers, factory workers, store clerks, tool & die makers every occupation imaginable. A good bunch, it is surprising how a bunch from all walks of life can be thrown together and get along so well together. We havent gotten paid yet and dont know when it will be. I thought right away but somehow the pay roll got mixed up. I am about broke have loaned out $40 to fellows going home on emergency furloughes. It is good tho and I was glad to help them out. Love Johnny
Bill Graham figures out suits me fine. [illegible] the lumber business not too bad I hope. Gee but the fried chicken you were going to have Sunday for the kids sounded good to me. Some things a fellow misses, fried chicken, good steaks (Rex's) your potatoe salad, lima beans in a casserole with pimentos & bacon, if and when I get home Im going to want these things. Sometimes I think about Aunt Ethyls ice cream and my mouth waters. One of my good friends left tonight on an emergency furloughes his mother is quite ill. He has a long trip ahead of him. [Illegible] Indiania clear down in the south east corner. The train connections are not good here so he started out hitch hiking and will catch a train when he can make better connections. This is a main highway thru here so hitching a ride isnt bad most everyone picks up a soldier. I saw by the paper where Harry Grimes was in Miles City, Mont. one of my friends here is from there. We are a motley crew from all over the U.S. Cowboys, coal miners, farmers, bankers, factory workers, store clerks, tool & die makers every occupation imaginable. A good bunch, it is surprising how a bunch from all walks of life can be thrown together and get along so well together. We havent gotten paid yet and dont know when it will be. I thought right away but somehow the pay roll got mixed up. I am about broke have loaned out $40 to fellows going home on emergency furloughes. It is good tho and I was glad to help them out. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters