John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-09-14 Page 1
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Sept. 14, 1942. Wendover, Utah Dear Dad & Mom: Its very warm here today, just like midsummer, boy would it dry out and ripen corn, hot & a breeze blowing. I am supposed to be sleeping but cant seem to do it its too hot and I never could sleep during the day. I am sending home a little money in a money order I maybe could have sent a little more but I dont know when we will be paid again and hate to run out. The money I get here is quite adequate for my needs, some of the fellows gamble their away and are broke a day after pay day but I'm too much of a scotchman it doesnt look like enough fun for the money. I'd rather put it toward something that I'll enjoy later. Put the money in the bank or apply it on my account at the yard. Every month I put $6.25 out of my pay toward bonds it isn't much but in the course of a year buys 4 – $25 at maturity bonds that with my insurance and squadron expenses leaves me
Sept. 14, 1942. Wendover, Utah Dear Dad & Mom: Its very warm here today, just like midsummer, boy would it dry out and ripen corn, hot & a breeze blowing. I am supposed to be sleeping but cant seem to do it its too hot and I never could sleep during the day. I am sending home a little money in a money order I maybe could have sent a little more but I dont know when we will be paid again and hate to run out. The money I get here is quite adequate for my needs, some of the fellows gamble their away and are broke a day after pay day but I'm too much of a scotchman it doesnt look like enough fun for the money. I'd rather put it toward something that I'll enjoy later. Put the money in the bank or apply it on my account at the yard. Every month I put $6.25 out of my pay toward bonds it isn't much but in the course of a year buys 4 – $25 at maturity bonds that with my insurance and squadron expenses leaves me
World War II Diaries and Letters