John William Graham letters, July-September 1942
1942-09-12 Page 1
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Sept. 12, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad + Mom: It was real nasty here this morning it even spit a little snow and sleet along with the rain but now just after noon the sun is shining and it is real warm. I even shed my woolen undershirt about an hour ago it looks like mid summer now. Think I will go to the show this afternoon its Gary Cooper + Barbara Stanwyck in "Ball of Fire" I believe, it isnt just a new picture but supposed to be very good I havent seen a movie for a week or more altho I've seen two good entertainments. We haven't had calesthentics [calisthenics] for two days due to the bad weather which suits me fine. This is the first bad weather we've had since Ive been here. Everyone is crabbing about the new schedules they are a nuisance but I guess we'll get used to them pretty soon. Didn't accomplish much this morning changed three tires on one of our ships and pulled a 25 hour inspection, everyone just stood around and shivered. Just came from chow it was darn poor this meal, had chilli and I couldnt eat it, they like to put garlic in stuff and I hate it. So I'll have to go to the P. X pretty soon and get a pint of ice cream they always run out every day but maybe I'll be lucky. The fellows next to me are fixing a shelf it is not progressing very fast but may be up by night they cant make up their minds who will use the hammer
Sept. 12, 1942 Wendover, Utah Dear Dad + Mom: It was real nasty here this morning it even spit a little snow and sleet along with the rain but now just after noon the sun is shining and it is real warm. I even shed my woolen undershirt about an hour ago it looks like mid summer now. Think I will go to the show this afternoon its Gary Cooper + Barbara Stanwyck in "Ball of Fire" I believe, it isnt just a new picture but supposed to be very good I havent seen a movie for a week or more altho I've seen two good entertainments. We haven't had calesthentics [calisthenics] for two days due to the bad weather which suits me fine. This is the first bad weather we've had since Ive been here. Everyone is crabbing about the new schedules they are a nuisance but I guess we'll get used to them pretty soon. Didn't accomplish much this morning changed three tires on one of our ships and pulled a 25 hour inspection, everyone just stood around and shivered. Just came from chow it was darn poor this meal, had chilli and I couldnt eat it, they like to put garlic in stuff and I hate it. So I'll have to go to the P. X pretty soon and get a pint of ice cream they always run out every day but maybe I'll be lucky. The fellows next to me are fixing a shelf it is not progressing very fast but may be up by night they cant make up their minds who will use the hammer
World War II Diaries and Letters