John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-05-06 Page 1
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May 6, 42 Dear Dad & Mother: Got your nice long Sunday letter this morning and the money thanks lots. Boy oh boy did we have a hail storm here last night it broke out 254 windows in the hangar where we were. Hail stones as big as eggs. and a little wind with it. All these tornado's they have been having down here have missed us, we never knew the wind was blowing. It got awfully cold last night and it is still cold today but the weather is fair and the sun shining. Tomorrow I finish another phase of school this one I believe I have enjoyed the most of all. It was engine repair. I have worked on some motors worth 15 to 20 thousand dollars. My grades are not outstanding I'm afraid but average or above around 88 as far as I know. These five day phases are hard to make good grades in I guess we will finish the course in five day phases. This means about a month more here. I hope they send me to California for my aircraft factory training I believe Id like that part of the country better than the east. Got a cute jig saw puzzle from Jim & Irma which they made, it shows them in the garden with the little dog playing in the garden & Ronny planting pears. I'll try and send it to you I also have an air picture of Sheppard field which I'll send when I find a big envelope. Ronny sent me a picture he made at school. Airplanes, cars, horses. a house in a tree quite a creative drawing.
May 6, 42 Dear Dad & Mother: Got your nice long Sunday letter this morning and the money thanks lots. Boy oh boy did we have a hail storm here last night it broke out 254 windows in the hangar where we were. Hail stones as big as eggs. and a little wind with it. All these tornado's they have been having down here have missed us, we never knew the wind was blowing. It got awfully cold last night and it is still cold today but the weather is fair and the sun shining. Tomorrow I finish another phase of school this one I believe I have enjoyed the most of all. It was engine repair. I have worked on some motors worth 15 to 20 thousand dollars. My grades are not outstanding I'm afraid but average or above around 88 as far as I know. These five day phases are hard to make good grades in I guess we will finish the course in five day phases. This means about a month more here. I hope they send me to California for my aircraft factory training I believe Id like that part of the country better than the east. Got a cute jig saw puzzle from Jim & Irma which they made, it shows them in the garden with the little dog playing in the garden & Ronny planting pears. I'll try and send it to you I also have an air picture of Sheppard field which I'll send when I find a big envelope. Ronny sent me a picture he made at school. Airplanes, cars, horses. a house in a tree quite a creative drawing.
World War II Diaries and Letters