John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-05-20 Page 1
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Sheppard Field Wichita Falls, Texas Air Corps Technical School May 20, 1942 Dear Dad & Mother: We are the barracks again this morning & it really needs it, this dust marks it into all the cracks in the floor and the mop water is soon the color of coffee. Stout coffee at that only thicker. Most of the fellows pitch right in and do their part so it doesn't seem to take very long. However we just had a fire drill and we tracked dirt in again pretty bad, so it's just about [start] over. Finished the electrical branch last night, I only got 88 in my final test but think I had a good proficiency rating. I believe they will make instructors out of quite a few of the fellows. I don't think and surely hope they don't make me one. They are building so many new schools they have to have instructors to teach the rookies. I'm getting to be an old timer in the army 3 months yesterday. It seems as tho the time has passed quite rapidly at that. A couple of the fellows in my old barracks 193 are still awaiting shipment it must be dreadfully monotonous for them as they drill every day and have even less freedom than we do I guess. I spent Sunday with the Youngs and had a grand day. Good inner then watched the "I am an American Day" Parade from an upstairs window in the bank it was a dandy parade, several fine bands, floats, soldiers, nurses
Sheppard Field Wichita Falls, Texas Air Corps Technical School May 20, 1942 Dear Dad & Mother: We are the barracks again this morning & it really needs it, this dust marks it into all the cracks in the floor and the mop water is soon the color of coffee. Stout coffee at that only thicker. Most of the fellows pitch right in and do their part so it doesn't seem to take very long. However we just had a fire drill and we tracked dirt in again pretty bad, so it's just about [start] over. Finished the electrical branch last night, I only got 88 in my final test but think I had a good proficiency rating. I believe they will make instructors out of quite a few of the fellows. I don't think and surely hope they don't make me one. They are building so many new schools they have to have instructors to teach the rookies. I'm getting to be an old timer in the army 3 months yesterday. It seems as tho the time has passed quite rapidly at that. A couple of the fellows in my old barracks 193 are still awaiting shipment it must be dreadfully monotonous for them as they drill every day and have even less freedom than we do I guess. I spent Sunday with the Youngs and had a grand day. Good inner then watched the "I am an American Day" Parade from an upstairs window in the bank it was a dandy parade, several fine bands, floats, soldiers, nurses
World War II Diaries and Letters