John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-05-20 Page 2
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air [wardens], Red Cross groups, first aid instructors etc. They had some fine saddle horses too, there were [nigh] on ten snow white Arabians that looked mighty pretty under their big western saddles and fancy bridles. They more than pranced along keeping time to the band music. Then we drove up in Oklahoma to the Wichita Mountains, they are quite hills much bigger than I expected to see. Have a stream dammed up and it makes a couple of beautiful lakes. It's quite a summer resort in this part of the country and I don't wonder why, the air smelled as sweet and good no dust in it up on top of the mountain. It rather resembled Mount [Hasimer] & looking up the Mississippi only the trees are scrubby and not quite so green and grassy. Then we drove thru [Fort Sill] it's a beautiful army camp, they have trees and the grounds are all grassed over. They are doing lots of building in a permanent sort of way, cut stone, brick etc. It is an old camp and some of the old buildings resemble the repaired buildings up at Fort Atkinson. They have lots of horses there and some dandies they surely looked pretty tied in the [large] stables made of cut stone. I'd still trade airplanes for horses. This camp [Ft Sill] is strung out over a large area. I don't know as they have as many soldiers or maybe more than we have here, they have quite a number of field gun [pieces] and mechanized units we don't have around here. Had I known Chuck [Hasmers] address I might have seen him but it's just an awful job to try and find anyone in a camp. However I'd like to have his address. I might get in touch with him.
air [wardens], Red Cross groups, first aid instructors etc. They had some fine saddle horses too, there were [nigh] on ten snow white Arabians that looked mighty pretty under their big western saddles and fancy bridles. They more than pranced along keeping time to the band music. Then we drove up in Oklahoma to the Wichita Mountains, they are quite hills much bigger than I expected to see. Have a stream dammed up and it makes a couple of beautiful lakes. It's quite a summer resort in this part of the country and I don't wonder why, the air smelled as sweet and good no dust in it up on top of the mountain. It rather resembled Mount [Hasimer] & looking up the Mississippi only the trees are scrubby and not quite so green and grassy. Then we drove thru [Fort Sill] it's a beautiful army camp, they have trees and the grounds are all grassed over. They are doing lots of building in a permanent sort of way, cut stone, brick etc. It is an old camp and some of the old buildings resemble the repaired buildings up at Fort Atkinson. They have lots of horses there and some dandies they surely looked pretty tied in the [large] stables made of cut stone. I'd still trade airplanes for horses. This camp [Ft Sill] is strung out over a large area. I don't know as they have as many soldiers or maybe more than we have here, they have quite a number of field gun [pieces] and mechanized units we don't have around here. Had I known Chuck [Hasmers] address I might have seen him but it's just an awful job to try and find anyone in a camp. However I'd like to have his address. I might get in touch with him.
World War II Diaries and Letters