John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-05-27 Page 1
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May 27, 42 after school Dear Dad & Mother: Its been another hot day I've really been sweating, waters dripping off the end of my nose right now. But it will soon cool off & we can really sleep. I get more tired going to school than I do working, harder for me to use my bean than my back. Last night I'd just eaten supper and took my tray out for the KP's and someone shouted "Hey Johnny Graham" of course I was surprised it was Don Helms from Elgin. I had known him, played football against him etc. His father is that white face cattle breeder who lives right at the foot of the hill before you get into Elgin. I will have to visit him he's not far from my barracks. He's been in California for the last few years or so but to have someone recognize you down here is something. I found out where that [Oelimin?] fellow lives too so I'll try & look him up. Ive been doing okay so far in carburettor my daily tests average 96½, so I can't kick I don't expect to finish up this well tho. However it's a nice percentage to work on. I still haven't made any plans for memorial day but expect it will be kind of quiet.
May 27, 42 after school Dear Dad & Mother: Its been another hot day I've really been sweating, waters dripping off the end of my nose right now. But it will soon cool off & we can really sleep. I get more tired going to school than I do working, harder for me to use my bean than my back. Last night I'd just eaten supper and took my tray out for the KP's and someone shouted "Hey Johnny Graham" of course I was surprised it was Don Helms from Elgin. I had known him, played football against him etc. His father is that white face cattle breeder who lives right at the foot of the hill before you get into Elgin. I will have to visit him he's not far from my barracks. He's been in California for the last few years or so but to have someone recognize you down here is something. I found out where that [Oelimin?] fellow lives too so I'll try & look him up. Ive been doing okay so far in carburettor my daily tests average 96½, so I can't kick I don't expect to finish up this well tho. However it's a nice percentage to work on. I still haven't made any plans for memorial day but expect it will be kind of quiet.
World War II Diaries and Letters