John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-06-06 Page 1
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June 6, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: It's raining hard today a welcome relief from the heat of the past two or three weeks. I haven't suffered much from the heat but a lot of the fellows seem to think its been pretty bad. I'm catching up a little on my back letters the last few days this new shift seems to give a little more time. This morning we had barracks inspection You work your head off for a couple of hours so a big gun can walk thru & glance around a little. Have the beds made with white collars and clothes hung in just the army way of doing things. Our barracks passed all right. We have a very nice barracks chief. He is a sergeant from Kentucky, quiet and easy going. Tomorrow we have our first Sunday review. Hope it goes okay as long as we have to have it. Sun has just come out and a beautiful rainbow is showing from where I set looking out the day room window. The grounds are surely a mess, that sticky red mud and mud puddles all around, I am thankful the streets are paved. I wish dad had sold the shingles they are using down here, truck load after truck load of four unit slate grey asphalt shingles. They look awfully light and cheep tho I'm sure they aren't Birds or Malahide. The crews of men they have working look like ants swarming around a hill when they are
June 6, 1942 Dear Dad & Mom: It's raining hard today a welcome relief from the heat of the past two or three weeks. I haven't suffered much from the heat but a lot of the fellows seem to think its been pretty bad. I'm catching up a little on my back letters the last few days this new shift seems to give a little more time. This morning we had barracks inspection You work your head off for a couple of hours so a big gun can walk thru & glance around a little. Have the beds made with white collars and clothes hung in just the army way of doing things. Our barracks passed all right. We have a very nice barracks chief. He is a sergeant from Kentucky, quiet and easy going. Tomorrow we have our first Sunday review. Hope it goes okay as long as we have to have it. Sun has just come out and a beautiful rainbow is showing from where I set looking out the day room window. The grounds are surely a mess, that sticky red mud and mud puddles all around, I am thankful the streets are paved. I wish dad had sold the shingles they are using down here, truck load after truck load of four unit slate grey asphalt shingles. They look awfully light and cheep tho I'm sure they aren't Birds or Malahide. The crews of men they have working look like ants swarming around a hill when they are
World War II Diaries and Letters