John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-05-31 Page 1
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May 31, 42 Dear Dad & Mom: Well its Sunday again and a very hot one. I'm sitting here writing this with no shirt on and the sweat is just dripping off from me. I'm listening to the Fitch Band Wagon on and there is really a good band on. Yesterday I didn't do anything very exciting, went to town and fooled around. Finished up carburetion in right good shape got 92 on my final test, 90 in proficiency this gave me 91 for my final grade. I had hoped for a real good grade this phase. I made 5, 100's & an 85 in my daily tests but 90 proficiency is as high as he gave. I enjoyed this phase about the best of any. I got a nice letter from Grandma this week. Sheis going to Indiana this week for Aunt Louise's 50th anniversary. Last night they had a Hoosier nite at the U.S.O. club. Gosh there were a lot of them, we crashed the gate & looked on they had lots to eat but it was so hot we didn't stay long. I went to see "Shepard of the Hills" again today
May 31, 42 Dear Dad & Mom: Well its Sunday again and a very hot one. I'm sitting here writing this with no shirt on and the sweat is just dripping off from me. I'm listening to the Fitch Band Wagon on and there is really a good band on. Yesterday I didn't do anything very exciting, went to town and fooled around. Finished up carburetion in right good shape got 92 on my final test, 90 in proficiency this gave me 91 for my final grade. I had hoped for a real good grade this phase. I made 5, 100's & an 85 in my daily tests but 90 proficiency is as high as he gave. I enjoyed this phase about the best of any. I got a nice letter from Grandma this week. Sheis going to Indiana this week for Aunt Louise's 50th anniversary. Last night they had a Hoosier nite at the U.S.O. club. Gosh there were a lot of them, we crashed the gate & looked on they had lots to eat but it was so hot we didn't stay long. I went to see "Shepard of the Hills" again today
World War II Diaries and Letters