John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-06-12 Page 2
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I played catch and did calisthenics yesterday with no shirt on and I got a little sunburned it doesn't take long in this sun and wind. It isn't bad I don't believe it will blister or anything but I notice its a little warm this morning. I got your long Sunday letter and read it three several times. I don't see how you can write so much but I'm sure glad you do. There just doesn't seem to be anything of interest around camp. I don't see why you didn't get that folder I sent them both at the same time. I had another card from Mrs. Cramford and she sent me the address of a young P.E.O.'r in Wichita Falls however I haven't seen her. I spent Sunday with the Youngs again another nice day Mrs. Young says there is no chapter in W. F. so she doesn't go. She belonged in Fayette. Hope your snap shot Dorothy took comes out well if it does & you can send me one. Or maybe you could get Mrs. Bills to take some. Just got back from chow. We always have fish Fridays & it is never very good even for those who like fish so you know how it tastes to me. I can't get used to these hours I don't get hungry between meals & don't eat much, maybe I'll lose some weight. I am afraid I'll miss church Sunday for the first time as I think we may drill & review in the morning but I hope not. They are really cracking down on us now getting us in shape drilling & calisthenics. Love Johnny
I played catch and did calisthenics yesterday with no shirt on and I got a little sunburned it doesn't take long in this sun and wind. It isn't bad I don't believe it will blister or anything but I notice its a little warm this morning. I got your long Sunday letter and read it three several times. I don't see how you can write so much but I'm sure glad you do. There just doesn't seem to be anything of interest around camp. I don't see why you didn't get that folder I sent them both at the same time. I had another card from Mrs. Cramford and she sent me the address of a young P.E.O.'r in Wichita Falls however I haven't seen her. I spent Sunday with the Youngs again another nice day Mrs. Young says there is no chapter in W. F. so she doesn't go. She belonged in Fayette. Hope your snap shot Dorothy took comes out well if it does & you can send me one. Or maybe you could get Mrs. Bills to take some. Just got back from chow. We always have fish Fridays & it is never very good even for those who like fish so you know how it tastes to me. I can't get used to these hours I don't get hungry between meals & don't eat much, maybe I'll lose some weight. I am afraid I'll miss church Sunday for the first time as I think we may drill & review in the morning but I hope not. They are really cracking down on us now getting us in shape drilling & calisthenics. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters