John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-07-07 Page 1
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Sheppard Field Wichita Falls, Texas Air Corps Technical School July 7, 1942 Dear Folks: I left Sheppard Field Sunday aft. at about 4 P.M. carried my barracks bag about a mile to the bus and were they heavy. Got on a Pullman car in Wichita Falls and travelled in style ate on an air conditioned diner etc. Part of our bunch were shipped to California direct from Shep. F. from A thru Giachoma so you see how near I came. (50 of us). Don't know where the others went. We are here in a reception center awaiting shipment to some base where we will be assigned permantly perhaps. Yesterday was the most enjoyable day I have spent in the army we came thru Colorado and it was certainly beautiful snow capped mountains etc. Came thru Colorado Springs saw Pikes Peak and lots of grand mountains scenery. I got to Denver but we were given a 3 hour lay over there. This was unusual but it wasn't a regular troop train. I called Vivian from the railway station. She was certainly surprised to hear me, she directed me the way out to the their place, it was easy to find Dickey was on the corner waiting for me, he has grown like a weed & just getting over having
Sheppard Field Wichita Falls, Texas Air Corps Technical School July 7, 1942 Dear Folks: I left Sheppard Field Sunday aft. at about 4 P.M. carried my barracks bag about a mile to the bus and were they heavy. Got on a Pullman car in Wichita Falls and travelled in style ate on an air conditioned diner etc. Part of our bunch were shipped to California direct from Shep. F. from A thru Giachoma so you see how near I came. (50 of us). Don't know where the others went. We are here in a reception center awaiting shipment to some base where we will be assigned permantly perhaps. Yesterday was the most enjoyable day I have spent in the army we came thru Colorado and it was certainly beautiful snow capped mountains etc. Came thru Colorado Springs saw Pikes Peak and lots of grand mountains scenery. I got to Denver but we were given a 3 hour lay over there. This was unusual but it wasn't a regular troop train. I called Vivian from the railway station. She was certainly surprised to hear me, she directed me the way out to the their place, it was easy to find Dickey was on the corner waiting for me, he has grown like a weed & just getting over having
World War II Diaries and Letters