John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-07-21 Page 1
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July 21, 1942 Dead Dad & Mom: I am just loafing this afternoon, think I will pack my barracks bags pretty soon as we have to have them ready to ship at 2 P.M. tomorrow. We don't leave with them but leave day after tomorrow. Spent some time in the library this morning in they have lots of magazines and books. Found a couple of fellows in my barracks who are from Iowa, one from Creston and the other near Iowa City. They are almost as good Iowa [boasters?] as I am. Did you get the telegram I sent when I got to this field? I'll try & keep you posted as to where I am. It looks as tho we will be moving around quite a bit for a few weeks. I have been assigned to ground maintenance work which suits me okay as I don't care for flying. I sure have lots to learn but from what I hear there is lots of experience on the line where we are going. Went to the show last night while there a wind came up and we had an awful dust storm. It looked almost like a blizzard dust rolling just like snow, today it is clear but dreadfully hot. A fellow in our barracks came down with mumps the other day and we have all had to march down to the infirmary and be inspected but so far no one else has come down with them. They have started filming the movie out hear, haven't
July 21, 1942 Dead Dad & Mom: I am just loafing this afternoon, think I will pack my barracks bags pretty soon as we have to have them ready to ship at 2 P.M. tomorrow. We don't leave with them but leave day after tomorrow. Spent some time in the library this morning in they have lots of magazines and books. Found a couple of fellows in my barracks who are from Iowa, one from Creston and the other near Iowa City. They are almost as good Iowa [boasters?] as I am. Did you get the telegram I sent when I got to this field? I'll try & keep you posted as to where I am. It looks as tho we will be moving around quite a bit for a few weeks. I have been assigned to ground maintenance work which suits me okay as I don't care for flying. I sure have lots to learn but from what I hear there is lots of experience on the line where we are going. Went to the show last night while there a wind came up and we had an awful dust storm. It looked almost like a blizzard dust rolling just like snow, today it is clear but dreadfully hot. A fellow in our barracks came down with mumps the other day and we have all had to march down to the infirmary and be inspected but so far no one else has come down with them. They have started filming the movie out hear, haven't
World War II Diaries and Letters