John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-07-23 Page 2
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of the actors all they asked was that we remain perfectly quiet. Went thru Hollywood & didn't see a picture filmed and then stuck out here in the desert I'd see one filmed. Strange things do happen. They had to keep a fellow around with a pair of pliers pulling cactus spines out of the shoes & legs. I think the actor so thru quite a lot of that. Last night I wen to see Wallace Beery in "Jackass Mail" it was pretty good. While waiting in line a fellow came up to me & asked if I hasn't been at Sheppard Field he was one of our drill instructors when I was in 193 in the reception center. I'm surprised he recognized me as it has been nearly five month since I had seen him. He is permanently located on this field & is a corporal. I expect the oats are cut. How do they looks and is the new seeding coming okay? How's the corn is it still awfully cold & wet or has it settled down into a good growing season. This country around here won't even graze cattle only good for rattlesnakes and there is plenty of them out among the cactus. Even [mesquite?] doesn't grow well here. However I don't dislike this camp & while I've sweat a lot the heat hasn't been as unbearable even the the thermometer does king of scare you. The 120 degree kind are no good here they [blow?] up.
of the actors all they asked was that we remain perfectly quiet. Went thru Hollywood & didn't see a picture filmed and then stuck out here in the desert I'd see one filmed. Strange things do happen. They had to keep a fellow around with a pair of pliers pulling cactus spines out of the shoes & legs. I think the actor so thru quite a lot of that. Last night I wen to see Wallace Beery in "Jackass Mail" it was pretty good. While waiting in line a fellow came up to me & asked if I hasn't been at Sheppard Field he was one of our drill instructors when I was in 193 in the reception center. I'm surprised he recognized me as it has been nearly five month since I had seen him. He is permanently located on this field & is a corporal. I expect the oats are cut. How do they looks and is the new seeding coming okay? How's the corn is it still awfully cold & wet or has it settled down into a good growing season. This country around here won't even graze cattle only good for rattlesnakes and there is plenty of them out among the cactus. Even [mesquite?] doesn't grow well here. However I don't dislike this camp & while I've sweat a lot the heat hasn't been as unbearable even the the thermometer does king of scare you. The 120 degree kind are no good here they [blow?] up.
World War II Diaries and Letters