John William Graham letters, May-July 1942
1942-07-28 Page 1
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July 28, 1942 Wendover Utah Dear Dad & Mom: What do you think we just had shower here, not enough to lay the dust but you could say it rained. It cooled off the air quite a bit anyway. This morning we drilled and went on a four mile hike up a mountain near here it was good exercise but kind of warm. Found an indian shack up in a canyon where a whole family lived, place wasn't half as big as one of our tents so we can't think we are very crowded. Found a carcass of a deer or mountain sheep up on the side of the mountain. I don't know what had killed it maybe it just gave up the ghost and laid down & died. Can't imagine what it could have ever found to eat but there is a little bit of vegetation between the rocks. The fellows have found several mountain sheep skulls & horns attached in the mountains on one side of us are the hills * on the other the salt flats. I hope to go swimming some evening soon. Every night they take twenty from each squadron that mean about once a week for every one. The swimming lake is about 25 miles from here they
July 28, 1942 Wendover Utah Dear Dad & Mom: What do you think we just had shower here, not enough to lay the dust but you could say it rained. It cooled off the air quite a bit anyway. This morning we drilled and went on a four mile hike up a mountain near here it was good exercise but kind of warm. Found an indian shack up in a canyon where a whole family lived, place wasn't half as big as one of our tents so we can't think we are very crowded. Found a carcass of a deer or mountain sheep up on the side of the mountain. I don't know what had killed it maybe it just gave up the ghost and laid down & died. Can't imagine what it could have ever found to eat but there is a little bit of vegetation between the rocks. The fellows have found several mountain sheep skulls & horns attached in the mountains on one side of us are the hills * on the other the salt flats. I hope to go swimming some evening soon. Every night they take twenty from each squadron that mean about once a week for every one. The swimming lake is about 25 miles from here they
World War II Diaries and Letters