Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1918-07-17 Page 1
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July 17th Dear Folks at Home Letter writing is more and more different but I'll do my best this morning and tell you all that I can. In the first place I am tickled to pieces with those pictures particularly the ones of Dad and June and Lightfoot. I wouldn't want the picture without dad and I love the one of the house. If you will send me Louises name and address I would like to write to her and thank her for the picture. They are fine pictures aren't they? Sunday I went with Miss Bucksley the loveliest trip you could imagine. We took a
July 17th Dear Folks at Home Letter writing is more and more different but I'll do my best this morning and tell you all that I can. In the first place I am tickled to pieces with those pictures particularly the ones of Dad and June and Lightfoot. I wouldn't want the picture without dad and I love the one of the house. If you will send me Louises name and address I would like to write to her and thank her for the picture. They are fine pictures aren't they? Sunday I went with Miss Bucksley the loveliest trip you could imagine. We took a
World War I Diaries and Letters