Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1918-07-26 Page 3
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Episcopal church - but every one of the 105 nurses in the unit went ever the Roman Catholics It was very impressive, I can tell you. We had our pictures taken and one will be sent to you when they are finished You probably will feel over burdened with all my pictures but I guess there won't be any more for awhile. Our uniform really look very nice and we are very proud to wear them. If you ever hear any one talk about the Red Cross you may be sure that every cent is purposely spent. There are many many things done with it and not a cent is wasted. It is a glorious organization and I am proud to have any part in its work. I hope that the road supervisors will get around to fixing the road before next winter and I also hope you will be able to get a good price for June's colt when you sell her - June's Father was an Arabian horse - that is why June has such fine legs. I had a nice letter from Dorothy and have sent her
Episcopal church - but every one of the 105 nurses in the unit went ever the Roman Catholics It was very impressive, I can tell you. We had our pictures taken and one will be sent to you when they are finished You probably will feel over burdened with all my pictures but I guess there won't be any more for awhile. Our uniform really look very nice and we are very proud to wear them. If you ever hear any one talk about the Red Cross you may be sure that every cent is purposely spent. There are many many things done with it and not a cent is wasted. It is a glorious organization and I am proud to have any part in its work. I hope that the road supervisors will get around to fixing the road before next winter and I also hope you will be able to get a good price for June's colt when you sell her - June's Father was an Arabian horse - that is why June has such fine legs. I had a nice letter from Dorothy and have sent her
World War I Diaries and Letters