Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1918-07-28 Page 1
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Sunday P.M. Dear folks- I'm tickled to death about the road being changed and hope it will go through soon so it will be settled. I hope it doesn't put you to much bother. Tell me about it as soon as there is anything to tell. I don't remember about the clothes I sent last time but there were two packages and my fur neck piece was in one, did it come? I asked one of the nurses to insure it for me and she insured the wrong package. Did you get the service flag. Yesterday I packed up my blue suit and a pink waist both of which I wish you would keep until fall. If I'm not back by then, give them to some one to wear. I have a green suit now and if
Sunday P.M. Dear folks- I'm tickled to death about the road being changed and hope it will go through soon so it will be settled. I hope it doesn't put you to much bother. Tell me about it as soon as there is anything to tell. I don't remember about the clothes I sent last time but there were two packages and my fur neck piece was in one, did it come? I asked one of the nurses to insure it for me and she insured the wrong package. Did you get the service flag. Yesterday I packed up my blue suit and a pink waist both of which I wish you would keep until fall. If I'm not back by then, give them to some one to wear. I have a green suit now and if
World War I Diaries and Letters