Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1918-12-20 Page 3
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there are no conductors on the trains since the beginning of the war. In Paris we went up to the Red Cross Headquarters to try to find Faith, but we were told that her hospital was closed and they didnt know where she was. It was impossible to get even a bed anywhere so we went out to Base Hosp 57 to some friends and stayed there while we were in Paris. Their hosp is a hugh school just behind the Luxemburg gardens and they live in a very famous hotel opposite the Senate. We did much sight seeing and went to the Opera the first night. The next p.m we just happened to run into Faith and maybe I wasn't happy. We stayed together and she went out with us for dinner and we took her back down town in the eve. We almost talked our
there are no conductors on the trains since the beginning of the war. In Paris we went up to the Red Cross Headquarters to try to find Faith, but we were told that her hospital was closed and they didnt know where she was. It was impossible to get even a bed anywhere so we went out to Base Hosp 57 to some friends and stayed there while we were in Paris. Their hosp is a hugh school just behind the Luxemburg gardens and they live in a very famous hotel opposite the Senate. We did much sight seeing and went to the Opera the first night. The next p.m we just happened to run into Faith and maybe I wasn't happy. We stayed together and she went out with us for dinner and we took her back down town in the eve. We almost talked our
World War I Diaries and Letters