Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1918-12-20 Page 4
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heads off. She is going to Serbia next Tues. She looks as well as I have ever seen her look but I wish she weren't going so far away. Of course we almost broke our necks looking at things. Every thing in Paris is so different from August. The shops are all open and filled with the loveliest things and the streets were crowded and gaily decorated for President Wilson and the King of Italy. One of the parks is
heads off. She is going to Serbia next Tues. She looks as well as I have ever seen her look but I wish she weren't going so far away. Of course we almost broke our necks looking at things. Every thing in Paris is so different from August. The shops are all open and filled with the loveliest things and the streets were crowded and gaily decorated for President Wilson and the King of Italy. One of the parks is
World War I Diaries and Letters