Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1919-05-21 Page 2
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to see some nurses in another place about leaving so the Lieut took us out in an auto. It is a little town, Carnac, about 20 miles from here. The drive was very pretty and we enjoyed it very much and hope tohave time to go again, as it is on the sea, and there are very extensive Druid ruins out there. We had a puncture and while it was being fixed Miss Root and I walked several miles. The violets are so pretty and there are also lovely forgetmenots and gardenias. I hope we can have some forgetmenots on the farm
to see some nurses in another place about leaving so the Lieut took us out in an auto. It is a little town, Carnac, about 20 miles from here. The drive was very pretty and we enjoyed it very much and hope tohave time to go again, as it is on the sea, and there are very extensive Druid ruins out there. We had a puncture and while it was being fixed Miss Root and I walked several miles. The violets are so pretty and there are also lovely forgetmenots and gardenias. I hope we can have some forgetmenots on the farm
World War I Diaries and Letters