Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1919-05-21 Page 3
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They should grow well along the creek. We are in our own rooms now and that makes it pleasanter for us. Please do write me all about everything and every letter you send, say a prayer that I'll be home soon. I can't see the end now, but perhaps, it isn't as hopeless as it seems. Am sending you another bunch of postals today as things accumulate so fast and I have my trunks full now. My best love to both of you. I'll try to write to the boys soon. Devotedly Louise Hqs. Hosp. Center A.P.O 935, Vannes Morbihan France
They should grow well along the creek. We are in our own rooms now and that makes it pleasanter for us. Please do write me all about everything and every letter you send, say a prayer that I'll be home soon. I can't see the end now, but perhaps, it isn't as hopeless as it seems. Am sending you another bunch of postals today as things accumulate so fast and I have my trunks full now. My best love to both of you. I'll try to write to the boys soon. Devotedly Louise Hqs. Hosp. Center A.P.O 935, Vannes Morbihan France
World War I Diaries and Letters