Louise Liers correspondence album, 1911-1919
1919-06-02 Page 5
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that we need them - am sorry to wear so many clothes this hot weather but it can't be helped. Best love to you both. Devotedly Louise June 3rd Am tickled to death about June's colt and have written Mrs. Dewey. If she doesn't want her will let you know at once. Keep me posted about her. Received the laundry O.K. Thank you very very much. Am sending some more also an old silk dress which I don't want. Also a service flag with one star in it for me. Hang it in your window if you are proud of me. Best love to you both
that we need them - am sorry to wear so many clothes this hot weather but it can't be helped. Best love to you both. Devotedly Louise June 3rd Am tickled to death about June's colt and have written Mrs. Dewey. If she doesn't want her will let you know at once. Keep me posted about her. Received the laundry O.K. Thank you very very much. Am sending some more also an old silk dress which I don't want. Also a service flag with one star in it for me. Hang it in your window if you are proud of me. Best love to you both
World War I Diaries and Letters