John William Graham letters, April 1943
1943-04-01 Page 2
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for doing maintenance by the lack of tools. This morning our squadron accordian player was going strong, he played for four solid hours, playing whatever the fellows asked for and nobody asked for a piece he didnt know. He is really very good. Tonight it is warmer yet its almost 11 P.M. the fellows are sleeping without any covers. Didnt get in until just now as we had to change two brakes. Think Ill close with this as Im getting quite sleepy. I did get a letter in this afternoons mail from you. I usually get them in the morning. Im enclosing a money order to put in with my account. Love Johnny
for doing maintenance by the lack of tools. This morning our squadron accordian player was going strong, he played for four solid hours, playing whatever the fellows asked for and nobody asked for a piece he didnt know. He is really very good. Tonight it is warmer yet its almost 11 P.M. the fellows are sleeping without any covers. Didnt get in until just now as we had to change two brakes. Think Ill close with this as Im getting quite sleepy. I did get a letter in this afternoons mail from you. I usually get them in the morning. Im enclosing a money order to put in with my account. Love Johnny
World War II Diaries and Letters