John William Graham letters, April 1943
1943-04-08 Page 1
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April 8, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad and Mom: Another good day, a little cool perhaps and windy but not a bad [sort?]. I have been working with the carpenter again today putting up some shelves and partitions and fixing a bulletin board. I rather enjoy it for a change. Well I lost my job today. I don't feel badly about it or that I wasnt doing my work okay but they have transferred a bunch of high ranking men who have had years of service into our outfit and today we had a general shake up and the old army man got the jobs. I dont mind it much just so I can hold my rank and keep plugging away. I'd just as soon let them have the responsibility. I guess I am going to be an assistant crew chief. Think I'll have to go to town soon and look it over. the fellows who have been in seem to like it and think the people are very
April 8, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad and Mom: Another good day, a little cool perhaps and windy but not a bad [sort?]. I have been working with the carpenter again today putting up some shelves and partitions and fixing a bulletin board. I rather enjoy it for a change. Well I lost my job today. I don't feel badly about it or that I wasnt doing my work okay but they have transferred a bunch of high ranking men who have had years of service into our outfit and today we had a general shake up and the old army man got the jobs. I dont mind it much just so I can hold my rank and keep plugging away. I'd just as soon let them have the responsibility. I guess I am going to be an assistant crew chief. Think I'll have to go to town soon and look it over. the fellows who have been in seem to like it and think the people are very
World War II Diaries and Letters