John William Graham letters, April 1943
1943-04-09 Page 1
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April 9, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Ill try and get off a note before the lights go out. I went down to the rec. hall to watch our team play basket ball and they won a pretty good game. Tomorrow they play to see who is the field champion. Dont know whether they can win or not but hope they do. Today has been nasty its been spitting snow and rain all day and we have all felt the cold. We had a meeting today and the changes in our maintenance personell were officially announced. Some of the guys are pretty mad about being crowded out of their jobs but Im sitting pretty. Same pay and less worries. I must confess I have little respect for the old army, it always seemed to me if a man was compitant enough to make a living elsewhere he wouldnt have been in
April 9, 1943 Pocatello, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Ill try and get off a note before the lights go out. I went down to the rec. hall to watch our team play basket ball and they won a pretty good game. Tomorrow they play to see who is the field champion. Dont know whether they can win or not but hope they do. Today has been nasty its been spitting snow and rain all day and we have all felt the cold. We had a meeting today and the changes in our maintenance personell were officially announced. Some of the guys are pretty mad about being crowded out of their jobs but Im sitting pretty. Same pay and less worries. I must confess I have little respect for the old army, it always seemed to me if a man was compitant enough to make a living elsewhere he wouldnt have been in
World War II Diaries and Letters