John William Graham letters, April 1943
1943-04-18 Page 1
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April 18, 1943 Dear Mom & Dad: Well this afternoon I had quite a thrill you wont like to hear of it but I rather enjoyed my experience. I flew one of these four engine B.24's for about 3/4 of an hour, it isnt much of a job when they are in the air the hard part is landing and take off which I didnt do. The pilot said I mad a couple of perfect turns, it takes quite a little coordination you have to turn the wheel, shove in with your foot the direction you want to go and pull back to keep the nose up. If you just kind of relax and dont fight it you get along smoothly it is like driving a car just dont over control the thing. I never before felt I could fly a small ship but now I am confident I could but somehow I dont get the flying urge like some guys do. When I get out of the army I never want to see another plan as long as I live. I was going to town this afternoon but I was scheduled for a flight as engineer instructor Dont like it but I have no choice in the matter when the regular instructors cant make it the crew chiefs have to do it. It wont be much tho only occasionally, hate to tell you this but you might
April 18, 1943 Dear Mom & Dad: Well this afternoon I had quite a thrill you wont like to hear of it but I rather enjoyed my experience. I flew one of these four engine B.24's for about 3/4 of an hour, it isnt much of a job when they are in the air the hard part is landing and take off which I didnt do. The pilot said I mad a couple of perfect turns, it takes quite a little coordination you have to turn the wheel, shove in with your foot the direction you want to go and pull back to keep the nose up. If you just kind of relax and dont fight it you get along smoothly it is like driving a car just dont over control the thing. I never before felt I could fly a small ship but now I am confident I could but somehow I dont get the flying urge like some guys do. When I get out of the army I never want to see another plan as long as I live. I was going to town this afternoon but I was scheduled for a flight as engineer instructor Dont like it but I have no choice in the matter when the regular instructors cant make it the crew chiefs have to do it. It wont be much tho only occasionally, hate to tell you this but you might
World War II Diaries and Letters