John William Graham letters, April 1943
1943-04-29 Page 1
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April 29, 1943 Pacatillo, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Its been another good spring day just a bit cool but warming up nicely now Im writing this in front of an open door and have no jacket on. Had to go and get a couple of shots today, a tetanus stimulater, get the original three shots and then one a year. The typhoid shots we get once a year three of them. That will fire me up for another year. My arm is stiff tonight and I feel just a bit groggy. Tomorrow is pay day again and then Ill sure miss that flying pay. I never did get it with Tech Sgt pay. That would have been $171 per month and that would have been gravy, oh well Im glad I dont have to fly anymore anyhow. So Pop is better Im mighty glad to hear that, didnt he always say, [menthalatum?], [illegible?] roofing and mineral oil would fix anything. I'd like to have seen that Graham. Reagin bout that didnt come off the other afternoon, I expect it would have have made the Dempsy-Willard fight look like hop-scotch. Glad it rained on your grass seed, maybe that will help get it started, wish my farm had, had as much fertilizer, liming and grass seed as that patch has. Ill bet it would really produce. That old maple really takes a lot to help going but it is certainly
April 29, 1943 Pacatillo, Idaho Dear Dad & Mom: Its been another good spring day just a bit cool but warming up nicely now Im writing this in front of an open door and have no jacket on. Had to go and get a couple of shots today, a tetanus stimulater, get the original three shots and then one a year. The typhoid shots we get once a year three of them. That will fire me up for another year. My arm is stiff tonight and I feel just a bit groggy. Tomorrow is pay day again and then Ill sure miss that flying pay. I never did get it with Tech Sgt pay. That would have been $171 per month and that would have been gravy, oh well Im glad I dont have to fly anymore anyhow. So Pop is better Im mighty glad to hear that, didnt he always say, [menthalatum?], [illegible?] roofing and mineral oil would fix anything. I'd like to have seen that Graham. Reagin bout that didnt come off the other afternoon, I expect it would have have made the Dempsy-Willard fight look like hop-scotch. Glad it rained on your grass seed, maybe that will help get it started, wish my farm had, had as much fertilizer, liming and grass seed as that patch has. Ill bet it would really produce. That old maple really takes a lot to help going but it is certainly
World War II Diaries and Letters