George C. Burmeister diary, 1864
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Saturday 9. I tried my best to get rid of going to Middleton, Tenn as commander of that post, but Colonel Geddes refused to release me from the order sending me there, I am therefore making out my Ordinance and Quarter Master's Returns, getting all things ready for a move. I took a ride into the country, and had a pleasant time. The reconstruction movement in some of the seceded states is assuming an earnest, decided character. Maryland, Missouri and Tennessee are nearly free from rebels, and the state of Arkansas is now making a determined stand in favor of the Union; one of its citizens a very influential man, E.W. Gantt formerly a senator of the United States, and general in the rebel service is at the head of the reconstruction party. He made a speech to the people of Arkansas in which he acknowledges that the cause of the confederates is a hopeless one, that the rebels are whipped and as honorable men ought to come out boldly and acknowledge it. He also says that he is in favor of the old Union, even if the "institution" of the south is abolished. He warns the people of guerilla warfare,"for says he,"if you introduce this system you will certainly hurt your friends more then your enemies, who is then safe in this home". If you fire on boats or cars what assurance have you of not hitting your friends instead of enemies?
Saturday 9. I tried my best to get rid of going to Middleton, Tenn as commander of that post, but Colonel Geddes refused to release me from the order sending me there, I am therefore making out my Ordinance and Quarter Master's Returns, getting all things ready for a move. I took a ride into the country, and had a pleasant time. The reconstruction movement in some of the seceded states is assuming an earnest, decided character. Maryland, Missouri and Tennessee are nearly free from rebels, and the state of Arkansas is now making a determined stand in favor of the Union; one of its citizens a very influential man, E.W. Gantt formerly a senator of the United States, and general in the rebel service is at the head of the reconstruction party. He made a speech to the people of Arkansas in which he acknowledges that the cause of the confederates is a hopeless one, that the rebels are whipped and as honorable men ought to come out boldly and acknowledge it. He also says that he is in favor of the old Union, even if the "institution" of the south is abolished. He warns the people of guerilla warfare,"for says he,"if you introduce this system you will certainly hurt your friends more then your enemies, who is then safe in this home". If you fire on boats or cars what assurance have you of not hitting your friends instead of enemies?
Civil War Diaries and Letters