John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-01-10 Page 1
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Jan. 10, 1943 Tucson, Ariz Dear Dad and Mom: Got up a little early this afternoon shaved, showered, washed out some underwear, sox and a towel and I still have time to write a note to you. Got your letter today mailed the 5th, the price of hugs is surely good isn't it. I expect I'll have to find out about income tax if I get home soon. Gosh I'm hoping but my name hasn't been posted yet but should be within a day or two. Last night was a hectic night most everything went wrong. Nothing important but a bunch of little aggravating things which kind of wear a guy down. New pilots, engineers ect who don't know too much about a lot of things, but 7:30 finally came and after five hours sleep I feel better and expect I'll live through many more nights as hectic as last. Weather is better than it has been the past few days sun is bright the wind isn't blowing and its quite warm. If it just didn't
Jan. 10, 1943 Tucson, Ariz Dear Dad and Mom: Got up a little early this afternoon shaved, showered, washed out some underwear, sox and a towel and I still have time to write a note to you. Got your letter today mailed the 5th, the price of hugs is surely good isn't it. I expect I'll have to find out about income tax if I get home soon. Gosh I'm hoping but my name hasn't been posted yet but should be within a day or two. Last night was a hectic night most everything went wrong. Nothing important but a bunch of little aggravating things which kind of wear a guy down. New pilots, engineers ect who don't know too much about a lot of things, but 7:30 finally came and after five hours sleep I feel better and expect I'll live through many more nights as hectic as last. Weather is better than it has been the past few days sun is bright the wind isn't blowing and its quite warm. If it just didn't
World War II Diaries and Letters