John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-01-29 Page 1
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Jan 29, 1943 Tucson, Ariz Dear Dad & Mom: This has been a very pleasant day a bit cool this morning but warming it up thru the day, very bright & sunny. I have been busy so it went by in a hurry, have to install new supercharger regulator oil lines. dont suppose that means so much to you but there are about umpteen fittings adapters, reducers lines, pipes elbows, hoses etc. Also had a driver boot to install, generator conduit to remove & replace, hydraulic pump to remove so lots of it isnt done yet. Reason for all this work is we are putting our ships in tip top shape because they are all temporarally grounded pending arrival of some new gasoline The last batch somehow didnt come up to specifications and it wasnt accepted it will have to be reprocessed & refined. I am still on the same old ship I think it is the oldest one on the field but does a good job of flying yet. This dayroom is always a busy place, it seems especially full tonight I had quite a time finding a place to write but did after a bit. A fellow cant concentrate on what he's writing with the radio going full blast, several games of ping pong and everyone trying to visit and be heard over the next guy. We have a game of pinnochle most every evening we dont work so my writing rather suffers and Im so far behind too. There is a rumor floating around we may dis continue night flying I dont know whether that
Jan 29, 1943 Tucson, Ariz Dear Dad & Mom: This has been a very pleasant day a bit cool this morning but warming it up thru the day, very bright & sunny. I have been busy so it went by in a hurry, have to install new supercharger regulator oil lines. dont suppose that means so much to you but there are about umpteen fittings adapters, reducers lines, pipes elbows, hoses etc. Also had a driver boot to install, generator conduit to remove & replace, hydraulic pump to remove so lots of it isnt done yet. Reason for all this work is we are putting our ships in tip top shape because they are all temporarally grounded pending arrival of some new gasoline The last batch somehow didnt come up to specifications and it wasnt accepted it will have to be reprocessed & refined. I am still on the same old ship I think it is the oldest one on the field but does a good job of flying yet. This dayroom is always a busy place, it seems especially full tonight I had quite a time finding a place to write but did after a bit. A fellow cant concentrate on what he's writing with the radio going full blast, several games of ping pong and everyone trying to visit and be heard over the next guy. We have a game of pinnochle most every evening we dont work so my writing rather suffers and Im so far behind too. There is a rumor floating around we may dis continue night flying I dont know whether that
World War II Diaries and Letters