John William Graham letters, December 1942-March 1943
1943-02-16 Page 1
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Feb. 16, 1943 Tucson, Ariz. Dear Dad + Mom We are all moved in and settled down here at the main base. The barracks are nice similar to those at Sioux City but we are all very crowded had 112 men in a 66 man barrack. They are listed for single beds and we have upper + lower bunks. Have beds with springs which sleep pretty good. Have a twenty four hour pass today which starts at 12 noon and runs till 12 noon tomorrow. I worked until about 2:30 PM however, rookie pilots had trouble getting my ship started. The most trouble you have with the planes is cockpit trouble. (New guys not knowing what to do.) The last few days have really been hot, it is getting closer to spring in Iowa too when you get over half way in February you have it with a down hill pull, altho it is a long way till green grass + sunshine. Got some more shots yesterday and another vaccination, hope it doesnt work any more than the last one did. I have taken four shots + the vaccination so far I dont know how many more I have to go but a lot of them. Im sorry your cold shots didnt work as well as you expected. It was disgusting to go thru so much of the winter and then catch one. I am listening to Horace Kiedts program and they just played a very clever novelty number about the Russian Winter and how hard
Feb. 16, 1943 Tucson, Ariz. Dear Dad + Mom We are all moved in and settled down here at the main base. The barracks are nice similar to those at Sioux City but we are all very crowded had 112 men in a 66 man barrack. They are listed for single beds and we have upper + lower bunks. Have beds with springs which sleep pretty good. Have a twenty four hour pass today which starts at 12 noon and runs till 12 noon tomorrow. I worked until about 2:30 PM however, rookie pilots had trouble getting my ship started. The most trouble you have with the planes is cockpit trouble. (New guys not knowing what to do.) The last few days have really been hot, it is getting closer to spring in Iowa too when you get over half way in February you have it with a down hill pull, altho it is a long way till green grass + sunshine. Got some more shots yesterday and another vaccination, hope it doesnt work any more than the last one did. I have taken four shots + the vaccination so far I dont know how many more I have to go but a lot of them. Im sorry your cold shots didnt work as well as you expected. It was disgusting to go thru so much of the winter and then catch one. I am listening to Horace Kiedts program and they just played a very clever novelty number about the Russian Winter and how hard
World War II Diaries and Letters